

TweetThere is a negative stigma generally associated with pheromones for some reason. People will usually try just about everything they can think of before resorting to a synthetic pheromone spray. Tanning bed bills will begin to stack up and gym membership invoices will be coming in the mail month after month, but when none of […]

最佳費洛蒙 2012

TweetWith the amount of research that has been going into pheromone research recently, 合成和天然費洛蒙產品已如雨後春筍般在申辦的左,右,成為最好的. 每年自2000年初以來它似乎如果新品牌已經堆了成倍的. The sheer amount of […]


TweetRealm pheromones have been a pretty hot ticket in the industry recently, 就不難明白,為什麼. Erox, 該產品的創造者, 一直在推動它相當嚴重,自從他們發布了它. You can also see that they have put a great deal of effort into making it appear as if […]


TweetMarilyn Miglin takes pride in the fact that their pheromones are specifically tailored for women. 最費洛蒙產品往往集中在男性市場, 設計製造化學品,以吸引女性. 男性體內產生的費洛蒙,是赤裸裸地從那些女性的身體產生不​​同, 從而, for a long time the […]


TweetDial Magnetic is not your standard body-wash, nor your standard pheromone treatment. It attempts to combine both the lustful and invigorating effect of pheromones with the cleansing and refreshing power of soapy body wash. This is a good product for anyone that is very cautious about pheromones and whether they work or not, but true […]


TweetTrue Pheromones seem to be one of the more prolific brands being peddled in the pheromone market if only due to creative marketing and their many sub-types. True Pheromones are much like Absolut vodka in the sense that there are so many different types within the overarching brand, like True Charisma, 真正的溝通, 真愛, […]


TweetScent of Eros is a pheromone spray which is said to have a unique blend of ingredients such that the formula should work in attracting all types of women, 年輕的和老的所有不同種族背景. 雖然它可能不是聽起來好像不多, 這是一個驚人的向前邁出的所有信息素的研究, […]


TweetScent of Eros is a Pheromone product that tries hard to look like the designer pheromone sprays that have already made their mark on the business, 而是什麼這個買家留下的是一個產品,看上去更像是一個老一些俗氣的圖形噴漆. Of course […]


TweetPure Instinct is a pheromone product that has only recently thrown its hat in the ring, 可以這麼說. 他們的說法是,婦女會覺得當您使用的產品,約會會變得更加容易更方便你身邊. The bottle that it comes in has a much more flowery font […]


TweetPherone formula M-11 comes with a very fancy and scientific sounding title and it is one of the latest batches of pheromone colognes that have just made it onto the market. 從一個比較成功的營銷活動,有助於提高產品的興趣很大比例,得益於該公司早在, but does […]