Attract-RX Review

Attract-RX claims to be a pheromone product that can help men get closer to women and give them a decided advantage in social situations. This product comes in pill form and is supposed to stimulate the natural sex pheromone production of men that take it. The manufacturer of Attract-RX claims that the effects of this product can last as long as seven days. Customer reviews indicate that most men found the effects to be a lot less than advertised. There’s some doubt among men that have tried this product as to the actual levels of human pheromones in this product.

Attract-RX Pros:

Attract-RX Cons:

קוילעלדיק ימפּרעססיאָן:

Attract-RX is a very expensive product that hasn’t lived up to promises made by the seller and manufacturer of this product. A lot of men that have tried this product have reached the conclusion that it just doesn’t work as advertised. This seems to be creating doubt in the minds of men thinking about giving this product a try as to whether they should take a chance by purchasing this product.

די Top-ראַטעד פעראָמאָנעס פֿאַר 2012

#1 - העכסט ביינדל
קויפן פערקס פעראָמאָנעס
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קויפן פערקס פעראָמאָנעס
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קויפן פערספּרייַ פעראָמאָנעס
קויפן פערספּרייַ פעראָמאָנעס
ינגרעדיענץ: 5.0
רעזולטאַטן: 5.0
ווערט: 4.8
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ספּעציעלע אָפפער: $49.95
קויפן פערספּרייַ פעראָמאָנעס
#3 - בעסטער אין לאַכאָדימ -
קויפן אַלף מאַסטשיאָ פעראָמאָנעס
קויפן אַלף מאַסטשיאָ פעראָמאָנעס
ינגרעדיענץ: 4.1
רעזולטאַטן: 3.9
ווערט: 4.1
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ניט באַמערקונגען נאָך.

לאָזן אַ באַמערקונג

