Primal Instinct for Women Review

Primal Instinct for Women is marketed as pheromone perfume for women designed to help them attract more men. The manufacturer and seller claim this product can make women more attractive to men and contains human pheromones, but we could find no hard scientific evidence being provided by either that supports this claim. Customer reviews of Primal Instinct for Women have been mixed at best. This probably leaves some doubt in the minds of women thinking about giving this product a try as to whether or not Primal Instinct for Women can help them be more attractive to men.


Primal Instinct for Women Pros:

Primal Instinct for Women Cons:

Укупан утисак

Primal Instinct for Women has had some good reviews, but this could be partly due to the marketing campaign conducted to help introduce women to this product. The fact that some of the reviews of this product haven’t been exactly positive could have a negative effect on sales of Primal Instinct for Women. This could result in some women deciding to give a different product marketed as a pheromone perfume for women a try instead.

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