Pherone W-1 Review

Pherone W-1 is a product marketed as pheromone that claims to help women become more attractive to the opposite sex. The manufacturer claims this product contains human copulins and 4 mg of human pheromones, but provides no hard scientific data to support their claims. This product has shown some popularity with women looking for a product to help them attract more men. This recent popularity appears to be decreasing as more customer complaints have been received concerning the belief in some women that this product just doesn’t work. At the same time some women claim this product has helped them be more successful with men. The truth of the matter could be that the marketing hype surrounding Pherone W-1 is starting to lessen and women are starting to realise the truth concerning this product.

Dettalji tal-Prodott:

Ingredjenti attivi: exclusive blend of copulins and pheromones that the company hasn’t specified

Prezz: $44.95, but there are various other deals available (prezz tal-bejgħ $34.95)

Product size: 10 ml bottle

Garanzija: 30 flus lura kuljum

Pherone W-1 Pros:

Price is pretty good if this product can help women attract men

Add to your personal scent

Free shipping with orders over $50

Pherone W-1 Cons:

Some women claim this product just didn’t help them attract men

Company provides no hard scientific data to support product claims

B'mod ġenerali Impressjoni

Pherone W-1 appears to be decreasing in popularity with women that have tried this product. The fact that customer complaints concerning the ineffectiveness of this product have been reported as increasing, combined with the lack of scientific evidence to support product claims could have a lot to do this with.

Il Feromoni ogħla rata għal 2012

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