Athena Pheromones Review

Developed by Dr. Winnifred B. Cutler around 1995, Athena pheromones have remained in production since this time, and have only become a mildly popular pheromone product for men to use to attract women. Company and manufacturer claims of this product being able to attract women haven’t been backed with documented scientific data and evidence, so there’s some scepticism on whether this product works as advertised. Customer complaints of Athena being totally ineffective in attracting women have also been documented and this pheromone product appears to be less popular than when it first appeared on the market. Product details on this pheromone product are also hard to find and the company appears to be hiding the facts concerning this product.

Dettalji tal-Prodott:

Athena Pros:

Athena Cons:

B'mod ġenerali Impressjoni

Athena is a pheromone product with very little actual scientific data and documentation to support the claims being made by the creator Dr. Winnifred B. Cutler and the manufacturers of this product. Customer complaints of this pheromone product being totally ineffective appear to be growing in number and volume and this product appears to be losing popularity with men because of this fact. The fact that Athena comes with no guarantee is also causing some concern, flimkien mal-prezz pjuttost għoli għal prodott ma 'biss klijent reviżjonijiet medja.

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