Feromon untuk Perempuan Lesbian Gay

Pheromore L Ulasan

TweetPheromore-L is a product marketed as a pheromone perfume that can make one woman more attractive to other women. Penjual telah membuat klaim besar mengenai kemampuan produk ini untuk membantu perempuan menarik perempuan lain. This product has been increasing in popularity with women trying to find a product to help them increase […]

Donna Amore Ulasan

TweetDonna Amore is marketed as the girl-girl pheromone perfume women can wear in order to increase their attractiveness to other women. Produk ini telah mengalami peningkatan popularitas, tetapi ulasan telah dicampur di terbaik. Beberapa wanita menyukai produk ini dan berpikir itu bekerja luar biasa, orang lain menganggap produk tersebut tidak bekerja sama sekali. The […]

Pherone V-5 Ulasan

TweetPherone Formula V-5 Pheromone Cologne for Women to Attract Women is a product marketed as capable of helping one woman become more attractive to other women. Sebuah kampanye pemasaran yang besar telah dilakukan dalam rangka untuk mencoba untuk meningkatkan penjualan produk ini selama beberapa bulan terakhir. This has resulted in a number of […]

PherX Wanita Gay

Tweet This is a brand that has been on the market for a long time. Sejak 2002, PherX is one of the first pheromone products available. They have versions for Men, Women and Gay/Lesbian. I was introducted to PherX when I seen them profiled on the 20/20 story about pheromones where they did an experiment […]