True Opener Review

True Opener is a advertised as the pheromone cologne that can help men break the ice in social situations and give women the impression they want to talk. This product is supposed to make women want to make the first move, but according to reports from many men the women just seemed disinterested. One of the newer pheromone colognes on the market, True Opener hasn’t been reviewed by many men, so far, but hopefully in a few months more men will have their say.

Pwodwi Detay:

True Opener Pros:

True Opener Cons:

Jeneral anprint:

True Opener is a pheromone cologne that has developed a small following in its short time on the market, but it could be a short time in the end. The marketing campaign surrounding the launch of True Opener is likely winding down now and it could be hard to sustain the small gains the company made in the first months of sales.

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