Pheromax Woman Review

Pheromax for Women is a product sold as pheromone perfume by Love Scent. This product is advertised as for women who need a little help attracting men and the manufacturer claims this product contains 14 ml of human pheromones. This product was originally developed in Germany and has been around for a few years. The popularity of Pheromax has gone up and down during this period of time, but recently this product appears to be losing ground to younger competitors showing women different products. The reviews concerning the ability of this product to help women attract more men in social situations have also been average in many cases.

Detalles do Produto:

Os ingredientes activos: 2 mg of androstenol and androsterone and 3 mg of copulins

Prezo: $99.50

Garantir: 30 diñeiro de volta día

Tamaño do produto: 0.5 onza

Pheromax for Women Pros:

Unscented product that can be used with your personal scent

Women who like this product say it really helps in the dating scene

Some positive reviews from women that have tried this product

Pheromax for Women Cons:

Pheromax for Women is an expensive product

Women who like this product indicate they wish it was a little thicker

Some reports of this product being totally ineffective in helping women attract more men

Impresión xeral

Pheromax for Women has been popular at times during the years it has been available. The popularity of this product appears to be decreasing lately with women trying to find a product to help them be more attractive to men. This could have something to do with some of the reports of late that some women trying this product have found it to be totally ineffective in making them more attractive to men.

Os Pheromones mellores para 2012

#1 - TOP pick
Compra PherX Feromonas
Compra PherX Pheromone
Ingredientes: 4.8
Resultados: 4.9
Valor: 5.0
Venda polo miúdo: $49.95
Oferta especial: $29.95
Compra PherX Feromonas
#2 - Mellor Novo Produto
Compra Pheromones PherSpray
Compra Pheromones PherSpray
Ingredientes: 5.0
Resultados: 5.0
Valor: 4.8
Venda polo miúdo: $89.95
Oferta especial: $49.95
Compra Pheromones PherSpray
#3 - MELLOR polo miúdo
Compra Pheromones Charme
Compra Pheromones Charme
Ingredientes: 4.2
Resultados: 4.3
Valor: 4.2
Venda polo miúdo: $55.00
Compra Pheromones Charme

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