Masculinity Review

Masculinity is a product marketed as the pheromone cologne for the international man of intrigue looking to express his strength, power and fortitude in the scent he wears. This product was launched in 2009 and since this time has been the subject of a very intense marketing campaign that seems to have had some success in getting men to give it a try. The customer reviews of the men that did try this product seems to indicate that many of them think Masculinity doesn’t live up to the market hype surrounding this product.

Detalles do Produto:

Masculinidade Pros:

Masculinidade Contra:

Impresión xeral:

Masculinity appears to be another product claiming to have human pheromones that many men think could be mostly market hype. The marketing campaign surrounding this product seems to have fooled a few men at first, but now men seem to have decided that this product just doesn’t live up to the promises made. We could see sales of this product fall off considerably during the months ahead.

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Compra PherX Pheromone
Ingredientes: 4.8
Resultados: 4.9
Valor: 5.0
Venda polo miúdo: $49.95
Oferta especial: $29.95
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Ingredientes: 5.0
Resultados: 5.0
Valor: 4.8
Venda polo miúdo: $89.95
Oferta especial: $49.95
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Ingredientes: 4.1
Resultados: 3.9
Valor: 4.1
Venda polo miúdo: $55.00
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