Archive de l'auteur

True Essence Review

TweetTrue Essence is one of the newest products on the market claiming to be able to help men meet more women and give them a leg up in the battle between the sexes. Customer reviews of the ability of True Essence to help men become more attractive to women looking for company are very few […]

True Radiance Review

TweetTrue Radiance is one of the newest products on the market claiming to be a pheromone cologne that can help men smell better and be more attractive to the opposite sex. The product reviews by customers on the ability of this product to help attract women are hot and cold at this point in time. […]

Examen véritable charisme

TweetTrue Charisma has only been on the market for a small amount of time, et les hommes qui ont essayé ce produit sont mélangés dans leurs opinions sur la capacité de ce produit pour les aider à devenir plus attrayant pour les femmes à la recherche d'entreprise. There have only been a few product reviews by customers that […]

True Communication Review

TweetTrue Communication is one of the latest products to arrive on the market claiming to be able to help men meet more women and get them to open up and be honest about their feelings. Customer reviews on this product seem to indicate that the men that have tried this product haven’t all found it […]

XXX à base d'huile phéromone examen

TweetXXX Oil Based Pheromone Cologne is marketed by True Pheromones as a cologne that will last longer than spray on pheromone colognes. XXX Base d'huile phéromone Cologne est l'un des produits les plus récents disponibles sur le marché qui prétend être en mesure d'aider les hommes entrer en contact avec plus de femmes. Customer reviews of the ability […]

XXX phéromone spray examen

TweetXXX Spray-On Pheromone Cologne is one of the latest products on the market claiming to be able to help men attract more women. Ce produit a été au centre d'une campagne de marketing énorme qui semble avoir assez bien réussi à obtenir des hommes pour essayer XXX. Customer reviews on this product are hard […]

Le Patch pour l'examen hommes

TweetThe Patch for Men is a product advertised as The Gilroy Patch you can quickly apply to help you attract women and give you a decided advantage in social situations. The seller of The Patch for Men are trying to use the hype surrounding The Gilroy Patch in Oceans Thirteen to connect with men looking […]

Examen véritable instinct

TweetTrue Instinct is a product advertised as pheromone cologne with the world’s highest concentration of human pheromones, mais cela pourrait être mise en doute dans les esprits de certaines personnes. D'autant plus que le fabricant ne divulgue pas le mélange de phéromones exacte de ce produit, il pourrait y avoir quelques hommes qui doutent des affirmations des fabricants. One of the […]

True Opener Review

TweetTrue Opener is a advertised as the pheromone cologne that can help men break the ice in social situations and give women the impression they want to talk. This product is supposed to make women want to make the first move, but according to reports from many men the women just seemed disinterested. One of […]

Vrai Alpha examen

TweetTrue Alpha is a product sold as pheromone cologne supposedly designed to help men get the attention and respect from women they desire. Fabricant et le vendeur de ce produit font de grandes prétentions concernant le nombre et les montants des phéromones humaines dans Alpha vrai. Les clients qui ont essayé ce produit sont mélangés dans l'opinion, with some […]