Pherone M-11 Pheromone Review

Pherone is a pheromone boosting product developed, marketed and manufactured by Pherone Inc. This product is one of the newer pheromone colognes on the market and has benefited from a huge marketing campaign that has resulted in more men giving this product a try. Pherone Inc. claims Pherone is the instant charisma men need in social situations to give them the advantage in the battle between the sexes. Some customers giving Pherone a try have insisted that this product just doesn’t work as advertised. This has resulted in many men beginning to think this product is just one of the many new pheromone colognes to hit the market advertising results that are never achieved.

Product Details:

Pherone Pros:

Pherone Cons:

Oro har, Impression

Do Pherone Pheromones Really Work? Pherone is a product marketed as pheromone boosting cologne, but at this point in time there appears to be some customer doubt as to whether this product actually helps men attract women. The manufacturer of this product makes big claims that aren’t supported by either any hard scientific evidence or data and so far customers appear to be moving away from this product toward other pheromone colognes.

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