Pheromomones para los hombres

El parche para el examen en los hombres

TweetThe Patch for Men is a product advertised as The Gilroy Patch you can quickly apply to help you attract women and give you a decided advantage in social situations. The seller of The Patch for Men are trying to use the hype surrounding The Gilroy Patch in Oceans Thirteen to connect with men looking […]

Revisión verdadero instinto

TweetTrue Instinct is a product advertised as pheromone cologne with the world’s highest concentration of human pheromones, pero esto podría estar en duda en las mentes de algunas personas. Sobre todo porque el fabricante no da a conocer la mezcla exacta de feromonas en este producto, podría haber algunos hombres que dudan de las afirmaciones de los fabricantes. One of the […]

Revisión abridor de verdad

TweetTrue Opener is a advertised as the pheromone cologne that can help men break the ice in social situations and give women the impression they want to talk. Este producto está pensado para que las mujeres quieren dar el primer paso, pero de acuerdo a los informes de muchos hombres a las mujeres parecía desinteresada. One of […]

Es cierto revisión Alpha

TweetTrue Alpha is a product sold as pheromone cologne supposedly designed to help men get the attention and respect from women they desire. Fabricante y el vendedor de este producto hacen grandes afirmaciones sobre el número y las cantidades de feromonas humanas en Alpha verdadera. Los clientes que han probado este producto, se mezclan en la opinión, with some […]

Revisión Honestidad instantánea

Tweet Instant Honesty is a pheromone cologne for men advertised as being able to help men open up the lanes of communication between men and women. This product has only been available for a little while and hasn’t developed a strong customer base of women that have tried this product and found it to be […]

Edge Sándalo

Tweet Edge Sandalwood is a product advertised as pheromone cologne to help men connect more with the opposite sex that has been mildly popular since it arrived. Comentarios de los lectores sobre la capacidad de este producto para ayudar a hombres con hombres, se mezclan en el mejor de. The mild popularity of this product at first could be due […]

Edge Trust revisión

TweetEdge Trust is another product marketed by LaCroy Chemicals of South Africa that makes big claims of being able to help a man attract more women to the dating game. Comentarios de los lectores de este producto parece indicar que sólo un pequeño porcentaje de los hombres han encontrado este producto funciona para ellos. The other men […]

Pheroline revisión

Tweet Pheroline is a product advertised as pheromone cologne for men that has been on the market for a while that appears to have only been tried by a small percentage of men looking for a product to help them attract more women. The customer reviews concerning the ability of this product to attract women […]

Pheramour revisión

Tweet Pheramour is marketed and sold as pheromone cologne that can help a man meet more women and give them an edge in the battle between the sexes. The marketing campaign surrounding this product was pretty extensive and only seems to have reached a small number of men looking for a product to help attract […]

Edge Diesel Comentario

TweetEdge Diesel is a product advertised as pheromone cologne that can help men attract more women and give them a slight edge in social situations. Este producto ha demostrado ser bastante popular entre los hombres la esperanza de encontrar un producto que les puede ayudar en la batalla entre los sexos. Customer reviews on the ability […]