N10 Pheromone Splash Review

N10Z Unscented Pheromone Splash is a new product on the market that’s advertised as a scent you’ll want to share with the woman you love. The manufacturer and seller of this product claim this product can help men become more attractive to women. The customer reviews of this product on the other hand indicate that lots of men think this product just doesn’t work at all. This fact seems to be turning some men off of this product that might have been thinking about giving it a try as their reactions to the reviews posted seems to indicate.

Detalls del producte:

N10Z Unscented Pheromone Splash Pros:

N10Z Unscented Pheromone Splash Cons:

Impressió general:

N10Z Unscented Pheromone Splash appears to be the scentless alternative to Ten Pheromone Cologne that customer reviews indicate just doesn’t seem to work for some men. These facts along with no specific scientific data being provided to back the claims of this product containing an exclusive pheromone mixture could be turning a lot of men off of trying this product.

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